Meet Gina Frangello, Author of Every Kind of Wanting & A Life in Men


This week’s guest is writer Gina Frangello, the author of Every Kind of Wanting and A Life in Men. Much of Gina’s work takes place in locations around the world, and the theme of travel as self-exploration runs deep throughout her novels.  Learn more about Gina after the jump and listen to the episode on Wednesday to discover how travel affects her as a writer and as a woman, as well as techniques she uses to incorporate travel into her writing.

1) What was your first trip?

My first plane trip was to Los Angeles and Las Vegas with my mother, her best friend, and the best friend’s son who always picked on me. I was ten years old, or maybe going on eleven. I had it in my mind that I was supposed to come back to my neighborhood—where few kids had ever been on planes—with some kind of exotic story, so I made up a boy named Frank and told my best girlfriend that I had kissed him in the stairwell at Circus Circus.

2) Who’s been your best travel companion?

I can’t name just one person. For starters, I have three kids, and they’re all avid travelers now. But my original traveling partner in crime was my friend Amy Sue, and we had a number of misadventures ranging from fun to reckless to dangerous, some of which I would definitely not recommend to my children.

3) What are three things you always take with you when you travel?

A camera, a journal and lipstick.

4) What’s your favorite souvenir you’ve acquired?

Well, my daughters aren’t souvenirs or acquisitions, but they were adopted from China and we went there to get them, so pretty much anything and everything I could possibly bring back from a trip pales radically in comparison to that.

5) Give us one reason why you travel.

Because there will always be places I haven’t seen, and that very fact is part of what makes the fleeting nature of life so exhilarating.




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